703609 VU Lambda Calculus and Type Theory
Sommersemester 2024 | Stand: 07.01.2025 | LV auf Merkliste setzenContinuous assessment based on exercise sessions. A written test is offered at the end of the course.
Course notes will be made available to registered students.
The course is part of ISR 2024, the 14th International School on Rewriting, which is held from August 25 until September 1 at the Obergurgl University Center.
The course is also an Aurora Alliance (https://www.uibk.ac.at/en//international/aurora/) event.
Students of all Aurora universities (incl. Master students of the University of Innsbruck) are invited to apply for participation in this course from January 08 till January 21 at the following link (after this date, registration via the online course catalogue is possible for Innsbruck students): https://www.uibk.ac.at/en/international/aurora/aurora-course-offerings/universitat-innsbruck/
The course is also an Aurora Alliance (https://www.uibk.ac.at/en//international/aurora/) event.
Students of all Aurora universities (incl. Master students of the University of Innsbruck) are invited to apply for participation in this course from January 08 till January 21 at the following link (after this date, registration via the online course catalogue is possible for Innsbruck students): https://www.uibk.ac.at/en/international/aurora/aurora-course-offerings/universitat-innsbruck/
- Fakultät für Mathematik, Informatik und Physik
- Masterstudium Informatik laut Curriculum 2021 (120 ECTS-AP, 4 Semester)
- Bachelorstudium Informatik laut Curriculum 2019 (180 ECTS-AP, 6 Semester)
- Aurora
- SDG 4 - Hochwertige Bildung: Inklusive, gleichberechtigte und hochwertige Bildung gewährleisten und Möglichkeiten lebenslangen Lernens für alle fördern
- SDG 9 - Industrie, Innovation und Infrastruktur: Eine widerstandsfähige Infrastruktur aufbauen, breitenwirksame und nachhaltige Industrialisierung fördern und Innovationen unterstützen