825076 SE Stadtmarketing
Wintersemester 2018/2019 | Stand: 01.07.2019 | LV auf Merkliste setzenCartography and the City: This course sets out to explore and express the character of the city through the use of cartographic representation and visual storytelling. Students will explore the city in history, actuality, and future vision of place.
Students will explore the city in history, actuality, and future vision of place
Students will attempt to understand relationships between land use, spatial planning, and human scale interaction with the city. How do these spaces and their programs affect, or are affected by, the character/story of the cities? What is the cultural role of the story in relation to the space of the city? How does the story help to develop the rules that shape the city?
Secondary themes will include topics such as Regional and Global Context, Politics, Development Strategy, Economics, and Socio-Cultural aspects. Techniques and tools used will include but are not limited to: Cartography, Mapping, GIS, Satellite Imagery, 3-D Print, Representational and Experimental Drawing, Physical Output (models), Graphic Analysis, etc.
Beginn der LV am Montag, 08.10. um 15:00 Uhr am Institut für Städtebau.
Anmeldung zu den Katalog M-Fächern:
Es können max. 10 Präferenzen gesetzt werden, maximale Anzahl der Zuteilung: 5 Lehrveranstaltungen. Die Zuteilungen erfolgen am 24.9.2018.
Anschließend werden jene Lehrveranstaltungen der Katalog M-Fächer bei Bedarf nochmals geöffnet, die noch über freie Kapazitäten verfügen.