921005 SE Language in Context

Wintersemester 2024/2025 | Stand: 06.05.2024 LV auf Merkliste setzen
E Diese Lehrveranstaltung wird im Rahmen eines gemeinsamen Studiums von einer anderen Bildungseinrichtung angeboten

(Pädagogische Hochschule Vorarlberg)
SE Language in Context
SE 2
keine Angabe
keine Angabe
Im ersten Schritt werden den Studierenden die Grundlagen soziolinguistischer Feldarbeit vermittelt. Dabei wird erläutern, wie soziolinguistische Daten dazu beitragen, gesellschaftsrelevanten Fragen zu erforschen. Danach befassen sich die Studierenden mit den Methoden der Elizitation sprachlicher Daten, indem sie ihre eigene Daten erheben, die am Ende des Semester zur Beurteilung vorgestellt werden. Zum Schluss machen sich die Studierende mit der Erstellung linguistischer Korpusdaten vertraut. Das gesamte Prozedere zielt darauf ab, den jungen Forscher:innen zu vermitteln, wie ein soziolinguistisches Projekt aufgebaut und durchgeführt wird. Damit erwerbern sie die praktischen Kenntnisse, die bei der späteren Durchführung ihrer Masterarbeiten eingesetzt werden können. The first part of the course is training; the second part of the course is conducting genuine research contributing to our understanding of the non-native forms of English. It consists of practising participant observation, carrying out four sociolinguistic interviews and collecting survey data. The third part of the course is data processing and compilation; its tangible goal is to come up with a corpus of linguistic data revealing how innovative, ‘youthful’ features of English are adopted by the young people in Austria.
Mastering the art of doing sociolinguistic fieldwork / Experiential learning course Diese Lehrveranstaltung befasst sich mit den praktischen Aspekten soziolinguistischer Arbeit. “Sociolinguistic fieldwork is perhaps the most mysterious aspect of doing sociolinguistics, the stuff of late-night in-group gatherings among the select few who have actually been there” (Coulter and Tagliamonte 2014: 3). This course is a step-by-step, exercise-based introduction designed to uncover the ‘mysteries’ of collecting sociolinguistic data, providing you with a unique opportunity to explore your own to explore your own teaching communities in Tyrol/Innsbruck and Vorarlberg. The main goal of this course is to contribute to your ability to develop an attractive research question in sociolinguistics, to decide which method is best suited for addressing it and, more importantly, to determine the most efficient way to get to your gold – your data. While honing these academic skills, we discuss the techniques employed for collecting both spontaneous speech data and experimental/survey data. For illustration, we will be practising collecting data suited for the investigation of quotative be like. Be like is an innovative strategy to construct dialogue in the discourse used by many young speakers of English all over the world: e.g. And I am like, ‘What are you doing here, man?’ Sociolinguists believe the advance of be like is one of the most dramatic language changes over the past 40 years. That said, two questions arise, Which Germanic-speaking learners of English produce be like in their speech and how do they use this language feature? More importantly, how do they evaluate be like as a linguistic variant? The first part of the course is training; the second part of the course is conducting genuine research contributing to our understanding of the non-native forms of English. It consists of practising participant observation, carrying out four sociolinguistic interviews and collecting survey data. The third part of the course is data processing and compilation; its tangible goal is to come up with a corpus of linguistic data revealing how innovative, ‘youthful’ features of English are adopted by the young people in Austria. References Coulter, Hannah and Sali A. Tagliamonte. 2014. Book Review. Natalie Schilling, Sociolinguistic fieldwork. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. In Language in Society 43(3): 3-
Vermittlung theoretischer Grundlagen; Der Fokus dieses Seminar liegt auf dem Erwerb praktischer Fertigkeiten, die soziolinguistisches Arbeiten ermöglichen Basics of sociolinguistic theory The main focus of this course lies in familiarizing oneself with the know-how of sociolinguistic fieldwork
Credit point requirements (i) Conducting four one-on-one sociolinguistic interviews with adolescents aged 14 to 18 from Tyrol/Innsbruck or Vorarlberg (minimum duration of each interview is 60 minutes). The interview is to be conducted in English and each interviewee has to fill in a survey after the interview. The interviews coupled with the surveys are to be submitted by the end of the teaching semester, January 31st 2025, for evaluation (50% of the final grade) (ii) Writing an ethnographic diary and an oral 10-minute presentation of this diary at the end of the semester (instructions will be provided in the course) (25% of the final grade) (iii) Active participation in both in-class activities and fieldwork assignments (25% of the final grade)
Die empfohlene Fachliteratur Schilling, Natalie. 2013. Sociolinguistic Fieldwork. [Key Topics in Sociolinguistics] Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Die komplette Bibliographie wird im Unterricht zur Verfügung gestellt. The complete list of references will be provided in class.
BA-Abschluss; Interesse an den praktischen Aspekten des soziolinguistischen Arbeitens Bachelor's degree / BA in English studies; interest in the practical aspects of doing sociolinguistic work
Gruppe Anmeldefrist
921005-1 01.09.2024 00:00 - 21.09.2024 23:59 Zur LV anmelden
Externer Gruppenname (Pädagogische Hochschule Vorarlberg):
Davydova J.