Zur übergeordneten Rubrik
Pflichtmodul 1: Landscape Ecology (6 ECTS, 4.2 SSt.)
Pflichtmodul 2: Rural Technology Systems (6 ECTS, 4.3 SSt.)
Pflichtmodul 3: Economics, Legislation and Rural Appraisals (6 ECTS, 4.2 SSt.)
Pflichtmodul 4: Landscape Planning and Geomatics (6 ECTS, 4.2 SSt.)
Pflichtmodul 5: Management of Mountain Forests (6 ECTS, 4.2 SSt.)
(keine Lehrveranstaltungen)
Pflichtmodul 6: Agricultural Systems in Mountain Areas (8 ECTS, 6.8 SSt.)
(keine Lehrveranstaltungen)
Pflichtmodul 7: Advanced Statistics (3 ECTS, 2.1 SSt.)
(keine Lehrveranstaltungen)
Pflichtmodul 8: Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas (10 ECTS, 6.3 SSt.)
Pflichtmodul 9: Ecosystem Restoration and Natural Hazards Mitigation (6 ECTS, 4.2 SSt.)
(keine Lehrveranstaltungen)
Pflichtmodul 10: Advanced English (C1-level) (3 ECTS, 4.3 SSt.)
Pflichtmodul 11: Basics of environmental economics and natural risk management (6 ECTS-AP, 4.2 SSt.)
(keine Lehrveranstaltungen)
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