800875 VU Rising Voices: Emerging Scholars' Forum

Wintersemester 2024/2025 | Stand: 17.09.2024 LV auf Merkliste setzen
VU Rising Voices: Emerging Scholars' Forum
VU 2


·         complete all assigned course tasks by deadline, work accomplished is thorough, comprehensive and advances project

·         treat team members respectfully (polite constructive), with positive tone and body language, by expressing confidence and/or by providing assistance
engange team members in ways that facilitate contributions to the final presentation of their thesis (3 MT) by both constructively building upon or synthesizing the contributions of others as well as noticing when someone’s is not participating and inviting them to engage

·         can describe methods of scientific communication and select the one which fits best for the (interdisciplinary and cross Educational Hub) team requirements and possibilities to jointly present a research questions/results.

·         are able to handle/integrate knowledge from different fields and are able to give constructive oral feedback S

·         can create new ideas/solutions that are appropriate to interdisciplinary research/issues

·         are able to propose a solution/hypothesis that is "off the shelf rather than individually designed to address the specific contextual factors of their (both) research question/thesis

·         ask deeper questions about the others and seeks out answers to this questions

Students language choices to present a reseach question/reseach results to a wider community are thoughtful and generally support the effectiveness of the presentation. The language in presentation is appropriate to a scientific friendly audience. Students manage to express their central message in a precise, and memorable manner.

This course is constructed as a Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) It includes an online preparation, an online debriefing and a blocked phase at Bildungshaus St. Michael and a closing event/phase in Innsbruck. Further information and registration information can be found here:  


Inputs, peer and self directed learning, 3MT (final presentation)
Further information  can be found here:  


mandadtory participation in all parts, final presentation (3MT) of the planed thesis

will be discussed in the online preparation phase

Information for students from Aurora partner universities of Universität Innsbruck: A confirmation of registration or the request to upload personal data for enrolment is not yet a final confirmation of admission; this will only be sent after the whole process has been completed respectively after clarification of any mobility funding (if necessary in coordination with the Aurora home university).

This is a course for students who are already well advanced in their studies or are in the process of writing their thesis; the existence of an academic thesis related to “Sustainability and Climate Change” or "Culture: Diversities & Identities" is therefore also essential and will be checked as part of the application process.

This course is constructed as an AURORA Blended Intensive Programme (BIP).

Further information and registration information can be found here:  


Information for students from Aurora partner universities of Universität Innsbruck: A confirmation of registration or the request to upload personal data for enrolment is not yet a final confirmation of admission; this will only be sent after the whole process has been completed respectively after clarification of any mobility funding (if necessary in coordination with the Aurora home university).

Participants are invited to take part in a BEVI survey (Beliefs, Events, and Values Invetory, thttps://hebevi.com). The online participation takes place before and after the course and requires about 2x30 min. A discussion of the BEVI group results will be offered on request, depending on the interest of the participants. 


siehe Termine
Gruppe 0
Datum Uhrzeit Ort
Mo 16.09.2024
14.00 - 15.30 eLecture - online eLecture - online Vorbereitungstermin
Mo 23.09.2024
14.00 - 15.30 eLecture - online eLecture - online Vorbereitungstermin
Mo 30.09.2024
14.00 - 15.30 eLecture - online eLecture - online Vorbereitungstermin
So 20.10.2024
17.30 - 19.00 Auswärtiger Ort Auswärtiger Ort Präsenztermin Bildungshaus St. Michael (Matrei)
Mo 21.10.2024
09.00 - 17.30 Auswärtiger Ort Auswärtiger Ort Präsenztermin Bildungshaus St. Michael (Matrei)
Di 22.10.2024
09.00 - 17.30 Auswärtiger Ort Auswärtiger Ort Präsenztermin Bildungshaus St. Michael (Matrei)
Mi 23.10.2024
09.00 - 17.30 Auswärtiger Ort Auswärtiger Ort Präsenztermin Bildungshaus St. Michael (Matrei)
Do 24.10.2024
09.00 - 12.00 Auswärtiger Ort Auswärtiger Ort Präsenztermin Bildungshaus St. Michael (Matrei)
Do 24.10.2024
14.00 - 18.00 Audimax Audimax Induktionsschleifen für Gehöreingeschränkte
Fr 25.10.2024
08.00 - 20.00 Audimax Audimax Induktionsschleifen für Gehöreingeschränkte
Gruppe Anmeldefrist
800875-0 26.08.2024 00:00 - 08.09.2024 23:59
Es handelt sich um eine Aurora Lehrveranstaltung mit insgesamt 25 Studierenden aus allen Aurora Universitäten; für Innsbrucker Studierende sind 5 Plätze reserviert. This is an Aurora course with a total of 25 students from all Aurora universities; 5 spots are reserved for Innsbruck Master/PhD students
Freitag F., Fügenschuh B., Wikström T.