822136 PJ Entwerfen 3

Wintersemester 2024/2025 | Stand: 18.09.2024 LV auf Merkliste setzen
PJ Entwerfen 3
PJ 4

Die Studierenden sind in der Lage, integrative Entwurfs- und Planungsaufgaben zu bewältigen. Sie können selbstständig und in reflektierter Weise ein architektonisches Konzept formulieren, mit dem Diskurs in Verbindung setzen und in unterschiedlichen Maßstäben umsetzen. Sie verfügen über spezifisches Methodenwissen und Fertigkeiten zur Integration von ästhetischen, funktionellen, programmatischen, urbanen, typologischen, technischen und ökologischen Aspekten.

Stranger Theories - Fall/Spring 2024-25

In this studio we want to focus on the confluence of architecture and theory, examining both buildings and texts. Each of you will draw a house from a deck of cards, which will serve as your primary object of analysis for the first semester. You will thoroughly familiarize yourself with your assigned house, prepare it in 3D, research the relevant literature, and develop an essay based on your chosen case study.

In addition to this textual analysis, you will also transform your house based on a theoretical essay drawn from a separate pool of sources, much like you selected your house. Think of this essay as a modifier. This setup provides you with two completely randomized input parameters—a house and a text—ensuring that your work evolves independently of personal preferences or current trends, driven instead by analytical rigor and a curiosity for the unknown. Contingency guides the initial process.

In this way, through punchy writing and clever design, you will have the chance to conduct an in-depth analysis of your house, approach architectural theory at the intersection of text and design, and hone your skills in representation, research, writing, and thinking. You will also reflect upon the various ways to reuse existing knowledge in the field of architecture.

By the end of the first semester, each of you will have produced an essay on your house in English, as well as a series of modifications expressed through models and drawings. The houses we have selected are historic and contemporary classics in architecture, spanning various periods and countries. Due to its scale, an individual house serves as the architectural base unit, its nucleus, making it particularly conducive to exploration and more manageable for detailed analysis. Together, these exercises will equip you with the tools necessary to tackle your Bachelor thesis in architectural theory.

For the second semester, we fall back on our previous experiences and have you select an imaginary place from the eponymous dictionary to prompt your own thesis. As students, you will pair up in groups of two to develop out of your chosen place a contemporary research topic which you will explore through design and writing, a parallel endeavour that will ultimately lead to the production of your own book. Such imaginary places include, but are not limited to Acaire, a vast forest surrounded by a low red wall, but also Nepenthe, an island in the Mediterranean Sea whose volcanic origin gave rise to a number of spectacular cliffs. What contemporary issues could be developed from these places—ranging from geology to ecology, new expressive potentials to innovative typologies, climate change to material extraction, and the Technosphere to the Anthropocene? And which research paths could you explore by thinking, writing, and designing within your own framework?

--> The studio will take place weekly on wednesdays @Studio Architekturtheorie

Lehrveranstaltungsprüfung gemäß § 6 Satzungsteil, Studienrechtliche Bestimmungen.

Wird im Rahmen der ersten Lehrveranstaltung besprochen.

Die Anmeldung erfolgt über ein Präferenzsystem, für das dazugehörige Fach "SE Konzept und Methoden des Entwurfs" sowie "SE Vertiefter Entwurf" ist keine gesonderte Anmeldung nötig, diese Anmeldung erfolgt automatisch.

wird bekannt gegeben
Gruppe Anmeldefrist
822136-0 01.09.2024 08:00 - 21.09.2024 23:59 zur Anmeldung (Präferenzsystem) Hilfe
Für die dazugehörigen Lehrveranstaltungen ("SE Konzept und Methoden des Entwurfs" sowie "SE Vertiefter Entwurf") werden Sie automatisch angemeldet.
Altenhof T., Pala G.